I have posted two drawings of fish. The coloured fish was done in pastels quite a while ago. It was the one of the few things I have ever done using pastels, the tin of Derwent pastel crayons remains unused. The pencil drawing feels more like me .
Fish were a favourite subject for an art lesson when I was teaching young children. I would go to the supermarket and buy all different fresh fish, choosing them for their colours and shape and pattterns. What a great art lesson they made and the children always were so inspired and did beautiful drawings. For most of the children this was so exciting as it the first time they had touched a fish and had first hand experience of looking at fish close up. I wasn't too popular with all the other staff, the whole school stunk of fish by the end of the day. There would be a wonderful display of drawings in the classroom and the children learnt the names of the fish.
The coloured fish is a rainbow trout. I bought it at the supermarket and chose it because of the wonderful colours. Hope you like it.
Press pictures for close up.