the view from my garden of the high tide. |
I guess it is not news to you all that we have been battered by two different storms during the past two weekends. It has caused flooding. So sad for all of the people who have had their homes flooded and damaged by the rising rivers breaking their banks and all the heart break and upset it causes. I am sat listening to the wind roaring and watching as yet another high tide is on the way to cover our seashore.
The railway line is a few feet away from being flooded. |
I feel very grateful to be warm and safe. As the sea rushes into the estuary you see the force of the water with the wind behind it. Last weekend all the trains were cancelled because of the danger. Day after day we have had such tides and the land and fields are waterlogged. Yesterday I spent the afternoon drawing by the window looking out onto the grey gloomy weather.
my drawing of the found piece of china from the shore by Eileen Postlethwaite |
I am recording some of the blue and white china pieces that were found on my shore walks.
After such storms the rough sea water batters and erodes the sand bankings and reveals forgotten and hidden remains from a past life. I have collected so many and yet each time I find a new piece it gives me such joy. The little pieces always have such interesting patterns and it really feels like I have a box of treasure. The most exciting part for me in this drawing is that this is my own handmade ink made from flowers, a secret for the moment. I was amazed to make a blue ink and thrilled to be able to draw my found china with it.
my tools along with the blue ink I made by Eileen Postlethwate |
I carefully sketched the china piece with a pencil and then used the dip- in pen with a fine nib and painted with an equally fine paint brush. My own Blue ink. The Perfect Colour for the china.
Nearly completed hand drawn with my own ink by Eileen Postlethwaite |
I have recorded lots of lovely pieces but it is still a work in progress. My Project started with my homemade book with drawings in my own inks. All made from natural plants and objects found by me.
It has been a slow process drawing but I am really happy how its looking and growing into a great project. It is almost a year since I started by making the handmade book, the inks and drawing my finds. It is definitely a labour of Love and so rewarding to think I did it all. My eyes do not always thank me with the slow detailed work dip by dip and today I have stained blue fingers.
So a feast for the eyes is seeing the snowdrops and daffodils flowering.
I have two blue glass vases each growing a beautiful blue scented hyacinth that greets you each morning. A bulb teased into growing as its roots drink up the water in the jar and they remind me of a jelly fish with the long white roots dangling. I can see so many new spring shoots and signs of more colour in the garden as old and new bulbs put down their roots.
A new find By Eileen Postlethwaite |
A new piece of china found on our recent walk. When we saw some blue sky and sunshine!
It is good to walk and feel the cool breeze and blow away the cobwebs.
leave your foot prints in the sloppy sand. |
Wander home after a lovely walk as the sun goes down.
A glance back to where you were as the sun sets
Hope this finds every one safe and well. thank you for your comments I Would love to hear
what are you drawing or making at this time of year. Bye for now. x. Milly
See you soon.
Eileen Postlethwaite .all photographs and drawings by Eileen Postlethwaite.
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