I have a huge collection of natural finds. Feathers are one of my collections and I just can't resist picking them up when I see them. I find them on the sea shore, in the fields and on my walks. One of my best finds was a lovely little blue striped feather which I found along one of the lanes in my village. It is a jays feather. A letter arrived this week from my friend and she had popped a little striped feather in the envelope. It was from one of her hens, you see I always go around the field collecting nice feathers from her hens. See how people think about me, send me feathers , not flowers or chocolates....feathers. I had a present off my little two year old friend, you guessed, "A feather for you to draw". Then his five year old sister sent me a feather, found this for Eileen to draw. Gifts of feathers are sent to me all the time, they see a feather and think of me! In the display cabinets at my exhibition this was one of the shelves, with some of my feathers displayed, and two of my art cards, the six striped feathers and sycamore seeds with three red berries. I was painting a red rosehip yesterday, another of my favourite things are bright red shiny berries. Today I am just going to get started on a feather drawing for a present so I am looking through my feather collection to see which ones to draw. So many to chose from.
The three feathers are drawn with Derwent coloured pencils, three feathers collected from the sandy beach near me.
Please note.... I always wash my found feathers in soapy water to make sure they are clean before I draw them.