I like Autumn. I like the anticipation of all the natural objects that I will find and want to draw. As the weather becomes wet and stormy leaves are being blown off the trees and the ground is littered. The seeds from trees are also being blown and scattered just as nature designed. The colours are changing, Autumn is creeping in every where I look.
The other day this little butterfly blew into my garden and was caught in a spider web. I found my oak leaf on the shore, the salty water has given it a rusty orange colour along the veins. I collected the sycamore wings a while back and love the twisted stalk, and I picked the fresh red shiny berries on Saturday. They go went together in my drawing as signs of Autumn, things I have found at this time of year.
Time for something new so I bought myself some acrylic inks, this was my first time using them, and I really like them. I chose my usual set of colours, and for this drawing I used just three of them sepia brown, yellow ochre and red, and here is my finished result. Thought it would be good to let you see the real specimens too. Press picture for close up.
Hello Milly,
I'm also an autumn fan, and think that season really does give artists much to contemplate. Particularly those who love to draw, because many edges and lines become more apparent.
Your acrylic inks see to be a good medium for you. Please show us some more examples of how you appreciate this glorious season.
Hi Milly!
It's a delight to see this piece of artwork, and thanks for letting us see the original models, that makes this post more special...
Best regards,
It looks like you have been having fun with your new inks. As always you have produced a sensitive, well observed and beautifully rendered piece. I love the veining in the leaf and the detail on the wings and the shiny berry.
This one reminds me of a Mackintosh watercolour, do you know his plant studies? They have the same decorative feel.
Lovely to stop by again, and have a good look around. Your drawings always draw me in. I thought of you this summer when we had an incredible number of dragonflies over the pond. Late in the afternoon I'd lie back on a lounge and watch them swoop and soar against the blue sky. Twice, dragonflies came into the house, but were easily guided outside again.
Autumn is my own very favourite of times, perhaps being a virgo and all, i adore all the colours! Acrylic inks are something i am recently trying out too. i absolutaly love the way you have done the leaf, beautiful *ruthie*
Magnificent! :)
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