Lots of beautiful things inspired me as we looked around the museums and galleries. The colours of fruit and vegetables and the flowers at the market. Tables piled high with freshly picked cherries and strawberries been sold on the corner of the street.
A tropical garden, incredibly beautiful churches, tiles, Mosaic patterned streets, to name a few of the images fixed in my memory. The Firework displays over the harbour, as young and old all joined in to watch, were magical. Everyone makes you feel so welcome, it is relaxing place and now back home I feel very refreshed and inspired.
I was pleased to read all the comments while I have been away. Thank you.
Hy Milly,
I'm so glad to see you back on blog-town :) Welcome back!
I'm also glad you had such a good time on your trip. Madeira seems like a piece of heaven.
Hope to see your new paintings soon.
Un abrazo,
Such enjoyable, soft drawings.
I hope we are going to see some more of your holiday drawings.
Welcome back to you, Milly. Glad that you've had such a fine holiday.
Aren't shells so wonderful as subjects? The varied shapes and colors really do call for pencil and brush and paint.
I can't help but collect a shell or two from any beach I visit. I keep a large mussel shell on my bedside table - the iridescence of the inside reminds me of a beautiful day on a red beach on Prince Edward Island.
Madeira - such an exotic-sounding name. I'm glad you had such a good time!
Oh, so glad to see this! Welcome back, and thank you for sharing your holiday with us through these lovely drawings.
Welcome back Milly, good to hear that you had such a lovely time on Madeira. Love the shell and sea star drawings. x
Oh goodness, your blog and your art are beautiful. So glad I found you. I love the skeleton leaf
so that is where you have been, I am sure you will be inspired by your adventure and no doubt you will have collected many wonderful things to draw.
I am so envious of your drawing talent. And your photos of your travels are breathtaking too.
I'll be visiting your blog often.
Sounds like a wonderful holiday, mixing old memories wih newly made ones. I love the shell paintings, they are so intricate, those shapes and colours..
Oh Milly these are wonderful!
Sweet 16 and I just returned from a two week journey to Florida (ocean) and North Carolina (mountains)...
We gathered boxes and boxes of shells, cones, stones... I can't wait to be settled back in and able to paint!
Your artwork is exquisite! ALWAYS inspires me to get to my studio!
Hope your day is wonderful~
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