Sunday, 12 September 2010

You already know I love Red

I bought the red currants, they were at the supermarket and under the lights they just glowed so shiny like little fairy lights. It was a while before I got to draw them and paint them. On that same morning I was met by the spider sitting in my bath. It was placed in a jam jar and heading for the back door, until I decided I wouldn't throw him out just yet. You guessed he ended up in the drawing, then later free to go in the garden.
You know I love red berries. I sat in the sunlight in the kitchen and recorded them with red acrylic paint and a number one brush. It took hours but I like the result. Behind me is a lovely pot of three currant jam home made by my friend. She used red, white and black currants picked in her orchard in Wales. It is also a shiny red jam and I know it will taste so good.
As for the huge spider he went free to be replaced the same evening by an enormous one crawling up our stairs...didn't fancy that one..husband dealt with that. And last night we discovered we have a little mouse in the spare bedroom at 4 am...and still not been caught! Thank you for your lovely comments, it is always a pleasure to find them.
Hope you like the red currants. Press for large view. Millyx


Pondside said...

Well, I love your reds too.
Spiders - they are something else altogether. If there is a spider in the house it will bite me, guaranteed....and if you want mice as subjects I'll see about an export permit - we are waging our fall battle with them.

Susan Scheid (Raining Acorns) said...

Oh, currants are such lovely little fruits, aren't they? You have captured them so beautifully with your paints--and I enjoyed the way the spider is looking on. I'm always pleased to see a new drawing from you in my mailbox!

Emerald Window said...

Beautiful! Currents seem a little magical to me.
I don't mind spiders (meaning I'm not afraid of them) but I still don't allow them to live in the house. They get moved outdoors.
Thank You for your beautiful paintings.

Frances said...

Milly, your purchased and painted red currents are beauties!

The spider question is one on which I think I agree with you. I am definitely a live and let live philosopher ... up to a point.

Spiders surely are happier outdoors. If they find their way indoors they have been misdirected somehow.

It's growing a bit cooler here in New York every day. Think that it's time to put the sandals away. Sock are feeling very comfy.


Teresa said...

They're beautiful. I love red berries too! So cheerful and such a yummy color. You always amaze me with your eye for detail and the fine quality of your drawings and paintings.

Claire M said...

Love your currants!

martinealison said...

Magnifiques croquis que ces groseilles... J'aime la présence de cette araignée qui fait partie de notre quotidien. Bises
ps: m'autorisez-vous à faire une nouvelle promenade dans votre blog...

Posie said...

Gorgeous painting, again, Milly. I love the spider in it too.

Acornmoon said...

Insy Winsy spider climbed into Milly's book!

Do you know the work of Maria Sibylla Merian? Your exquisite spider brought her work to mind.

irinasztukowski said...

What a beautiful art you have on your blog. thank you so much :)


Michelle Palmer said...

Your work is always so beautiful! Spiders, mice... if they were not such fun to draw~ they would be even more bothersome!
Thank you for always being so inspiring!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend~