After our uphill walk through the snowy lanes we enjoyed the lovely views of the lakeland hills on this beautiful crystal clear day. The hedgerows are all bare except for the holly bushes with lots of red berries. I picked lots of different seed heads to record when I get the time. My favourite images were of the frosted oak leaves scattered every where, they looked so beautiful against the snow. Lots of fallen red berries were trapped in the frosty ground. The Hawthorn branches were still laden, large droplets of water dangling and sparkling from their red berries.
The rose hips had suffered, all soft and squashy and blackened with the cold. I managed to pick the two for my picture.
When we returned home I wandered in my garden and found the two oak leaves fallen off my little oak tree which I planted as an acorn about three years ago. And finally the little branch with the bright red berries also picked from my garden.
I sketched it in pencil on Sunday evening. Today I painted it using the five colours of acrylic paint and my number one sable brush . Hope you like it.
I am using my new laptop for the first time, so hope this works out. Thank you for the lovely comments, we still have the mouse, nicknamed him Woody.
Milly, don't know about the wisdom of giving that mouse of yours such a friendly name, but do know how beautiful you painting of the leaves and berries is. I did an enlargement of the photo to better see the graceful details you have captured.
I also really love the vista in the snowscape you posted. Where you live is so, so different from where I live. It's wonderful to have some access to wide open sky and gorgeouse scenery via your posts.
Busy with Christmas preparations hereabouts ... Santa's workshop very evident.
I have been watching your blog for a while but I think this is the first time I have commented. I love your nature drawings and I loved reading about your winter walk. It's a hot summers day here in NZ.
So lovely to see your new drawings, and the photo is splendid, too. I was thinking of you particularly this weekend, for I used the rest of the beautiful cards I bought from you to write notes to family and friends to go with their other presents. To a happy holiday season!
Vos feuilles ma chère Millie sont délicatement peintes... J'aime la manière que vous avez laissé transparaître les nervures.
La photo de votre région enneigée laisse bien entrevoir le froid glacial...
Your drawings are wonderful!
The new laptop is definitely working Milly, lovely paintings as always.
PS I was soo excited as one of my paintings has been chosen for a charity calendar.....
Milly, this is lovely, your work seems to capture nature and part of you at the same time. We have it cold here but not that cold. I love my walks too and think of you often when I find a treasure to bring home,take care,Diana
I won't be telling the mice at Pondside that mice over your way are named and (possibly) pampered!
I love the red berries trapped in the ice after a cold night - magical.
Hello, Milly--what a wonderful artist and storyteller you are! I have featured you on todays FAT (Featured Artist Tuesday) Artist Spotlight.
I loved your mouse story and sketches--here's the link!
I like the composition of this illustration Milly and the lovely winter nature colours too. We have had clear, bright frosty days here too, which is wonderful (so much nicer than rain). Lesley x
Another beautiful painting Milly, and what a superb view to the mountain!
I've just put some frosted oak leaf photos up just now as it happens, I do love the way you paint them though....
It has been too long since I have visited you and your wonderful art. I love that you planted an oak tree from an acorn. your photo and your art is wonderful. Wishing you a lovely winter.
What a gorgeous photo. I love the pictures you've painted after your walk too, especially the oak leaves.
So the mouse has a name? I hope we will be hearing more of the adventures of Woody, together with some sketches.
What a beautiful painting, Milly! Are you using your acrylic paints in a watercolor style? Looks like watercolour!
Enjoyed reading about your walk. We're getting some cold weather here now... and I'm so thankful! We had a terribly hot summer and these cold, frosty mornings are so welcome!
Hi Milly,
Just finished reading all your posts that I've missed. Reading your blog reminds me of one of my favorite books, "The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady". I enjoyed reading about your mischievous mouse and the pilfered golden acorns, your walks in the frosty countryside and, of course, your enchanting paintings. Do you use your acrylic paints in a watercolour style? Looks like watercolour!
I have a feeling that Woody is here to stay.
Your photograph captures what I imagine was a spectacular walk. I know your landscape but have never seen it so white and sparkly before and it is making me want to revisit.
Gorgeous drawing as always.
Hi Milly!
I've been missing visiting your blog... I've been catching up with the mouse story, really lovely, and the drawing so cute :)
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and I wish only the best for you and your family on the New Year.
Big hugs,
Beautiful... painting looks like watercolor.
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