Sunday, 14 August 2011

Week 32

Here is my page for week 32.  It has been a wet week and the shore was very wet and muddy.  I went for my walk just before 5pm and just as I was walking along the edge of the limestone barrier I heard the familiar hoot of the steam train.  I quickly grabbed my camera and managed to photograph the train before it disappeared round the bend and out of sight.  The birds scattered as the train thundered past, many were feeding in the sand and low waters after the tide has gone down.  I kept out of the sand as it looked very soft and sloppy.  The tide line was full of feathers and crabs, lots of leaves and some small pieces of seaweed but they were covered in the brown scum.  I collected clean feathers, lost by the birds and looking so pristine unlike the ones in the tide line.  I found a red berry and I know that soon in the weeks to come I will find many. 
There was a fresh breeze which I enjoyed even though I kept having to hold on to my hair from getting in my eyes.   One bird also  seemed to battle against the elements as she swam across  the strong flow of the tidal river.  It was my friend the swan.  I sat and watched as she twirled around against the rippling water.  She swam near to the edge as if to say hello and followed me along the bend to calmer water.  As I walked through the long grass I found the little toadstools with their long stems and umbrella shaped heads.  So I picked the three you see on my page.  I sat for  a while and all was quiet, no sheep, no moths, no train, an ideal time to see a rabbit.  I thought I heard a fish jumping but it was a huge piece of sandy bank falling into the water.
 The rusty coloured water from the hills has reached the shore and pours along the river, after so many wet days,  the heavy clouds still hang over the tops of the lakeland hills.   It feels more like Autumn,  cooler evenings and the nights drawing in.  The red berries hang on a hawthorn tree and the blackberries are ripening by the railway line.  As I leave for home I can hear  the geese in the distance.  The sun peeped  through the clouds with shafts of light and in moments the water lights up and twinkles,  now it looks more like a summer evening.
Hope you like Week 32.  Three of the striped Curlew feathers, three toadstools, the red berry and a piece of hornwrack.  I washed all the Curlew feathers I found, read last week, so beautiful all lined up.

Thankyou for your lovely comments.     Millyx                                                  


Matteo Grilli said...

Beautiful collections!

Pondside said...

We know that fall is just around the corner when the red berries start to appear - on the shrubs and in your paintings.

Ruth said...

It was lovely reading your description of your walk. I felt as if I was there. Thank you for sharing the photos and your drawings.

Anonymous said...

The top painting is beautiful. And I love the rhythm of the pattern of all of those feathers in your sktechbook. Lovely!

Frances said...

Milly, how much fun to take that restful, observant walk along with you, all the while still sitting at my breakfast table. I really did feel as though I was able to be in two places at once!

Week 32's arrangement is so full of grace that it seems to have choreography in it. The little red berry just sets the dance in motion.

I'm glad that your friendly swan has returned to accompany your walks. Also...thanks for catching that steam powered train passing by. What a marvelous place you show us.

Thank you so much. xo

Vicki Lee Johnston said...

Wow!!! Love the feathers and your beautiful drawings ... just gorgeous. Always inspiring me xxx

Diana said...

Milly this is beautiful. I love mushrooms too! I'm always digging some up to paint! Your feathers are so delicate and lovely, and your writing of your walk makes me wish I were there. thank you, Diana

suz said...

What a pretty grouping. I was on the look-out for signs of fall this weekend. Thank you for sharing the drawings and photos. I feel like I can hear the train and feel the wind by the time I come to the end of your story each week.

Sarah Morrish said...

I just love seeing your artwork , so refreshing and the dedication and skill just shines through !

Melody said...

Lovely stripey zebra feathers! Toad stools always make we wonder if toads really do sit on them when we aren't looking??? ha ha
Another great page, and the little red berry completes the scene perfectly!

Beth Niquette said...

Your artwork is just extraordinary. It fills my eyes. I came away today, so inspired.

Thank you for sharing your artwork. You are not only a gifted artwork, but a wonderful writer as well.