I love baskets and have lots of different shapes and sizes which I have collected over the years. This drawing is of an old vintage basket which I bought from a car boot sale. It is old and a bit wobbly , but has lots of character.
I once went on a basket workshop and made a simple willow basket. I am really proud of my own handmade basket and for a first attempt it is not bad. It made me appreciate the work and skill that goes into baskets, even more than I already did.
My drawing is done with a black ink pen. The coloured bits in paint, as they really are coloured in the actual basket. I did this a while ago, but thought it fits the challenge of something with a handle. It is on a piece of A3 paper. Press the drawing for an enlargement so you can see the detail.
it's a WONDERFUL drawing!!! i can see it's very detailed indeed. GREAT!!! best wishes, martín
Wonderful drawing! You have alot of great work here on your blog. I will be back!
Whoa! That looks like it took lots of time! And good for you learning to make the real basket. Very impressive.
Incredible detail, really awesome. - Barbara
Fantastic detail. Amazing work!
I love baskets too, and your drawing. My mum makes her own baskets and just got a bath in her garden to soak the willow
Wow Wow Wow! All that detail is AMAZing and beautiful. You are the detail queen....
Beautiful drawing of the basket. You are great with pen and ink!
This basket drawing is really good, esp. if you click on it. The depth and texture in each woven strand, together with the dark voids, really adds up to one heck of a drawing. Nice job.
Love the detail! I really like your dragonfly drawing too. I've noticed a lot of them here (so. Nevada) lately too -- must be migration time!
Thankyou for all the lovely comments, I wouldn't have thought of posting this if it wasn't for the challenge . Glad you like it.
Your work is just gorgeous!
Wow Eileen the textures you created are just great - even better when you enlarge the image. Great stuff!
Wow, this is just great! I can appreciate the detail and time you put into this. Spectacular!
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