I went for a walk in the snow. The roads were very slippery. Everywhere was white except for the dark shapes of trees and stone walls. Even the little rivers and streams were frozen. It all looked so pretty, we don't see this snow scene very often.
I kept finding the tiny dark sycamore helicopters in the snow. Then a dark leaf covered in the black spots, it was trapped under the ice. I carried the piece of ice with my leaf and brought it home to draw. The little branch with three doubles came home too. My little drawing was painted with acrylic inks.
I also found some red berries but they are featuring in another drawing soon.
Thank you for the lovely comments.
Hi Milly - this is beautiful! I love the helicopters shown along with the leaf and especially like the little twig that bends over the main stem (lower left of the painting).
Hi Milly!
Thank you for taking us with you on your walks, it's almost as if we had been there too :) I love the painting... I hate to repeat myself, but, what else can I say??? Oh, and I love the little twig too, I totaly agree with Carol...
I can see some sort of shadow, something like twigs with... berries! Is that the next? (sorry, couldn't help it, sometimes I can't hold in my inner child :)P
Best regards,
Thanks Carolina and Carol,
The shadow you can see is actually the next page in the book showing through. I have started drawing in this new square book for 2010. So its page 3 you can see, I just use right hand pages. Yes it is the berries Carolina.
That is an exquisite piece of work, Milly - absolutely lovely.
Pomona x
Hi Milly, like the latest artwork - interestingly, the black marks on the Sycamore leaves are caused by 'Tar Spot fungus'. I only know this because John Berryman - a fellow member of Art Space Gallery - covered the very subject in his 'occasional nature notes' which appeared in last week's edition of our local weekly paper! How about that for coincidence?
Have just spent an enjoyable 10 mins looking at your website and the you tube video of your exhibition on the edge of Lake Consiston - lovely. Bfn. Lesley
I was so pleased to see this post in my "inbox" today--such a beautiful drawing. And where is that gorgeous beach?
Also today, I received a lovely account from a friend in England of "Snow and its Joys." I have sent her a link to your post and thought you might also enjoy hers: http://offhamsterwheelblog.blogspot.com/2010/01/snow-and-its-joys.html.
Another beautiful painting Milly
Hello Milly,
You know how I love your ability to honor nature's beauty with your artistry. Today's posted picture from your sketchbook is a gem.
While you were seeing nature preserved in ice, I finally had the opportunity for a walk through wonderful Central Park today under blue sky, warm sun and temps just below 50 F. Quite a change from the very unusually cold weather that has brought us this new year.
Snow drops in bloom in a sheltered area set aside to honor J. Lennon, as Strawberry Fields. Lots of interesting seed pods and berries on display throughout my East to West walking route. Lawns still green, but an uninspired green.
Lots of folks on rollerblades and bikes, lots of folks walking.
The lake was still frozen.
You are having your share of ice and snow on your side of the pond this year - but lovely for us that you have found inspiration under the ice.
Our ponds sometimes freeze, but they are too dark to give a view of anything trapped beneath.
I would love to take a walk with you, you find such interesting discoveries to draw. This is lovely.
Lovely and creative. I am always amazed at everyone's creativity. What beautiful art from nature.
You have freed this from the ice and brought its detail and beauty to us in your drawing and interpretation. Both a wonderful gift. Thank you.
How did you learn to draw and paint so beautifully?
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