As I sit here posting my week 48 I am listening to the hailstones lashing against the windows straight off the sea shore. We woke up to our first snow, the hills are white and we had a little sprinkling in the garden. I knew how cold it felt on Saturday as I walked along the shore and felt the chill of the wind blowing from the west. The only part of me that was exposed and really felt the cold was my face, it made my eyes stream and tears rolled down my cheeks, and later I knew it had chapped my lips. My head was wrapped in my merino wool buff and the hood of my windproof jacket. My warm lined trousers and wool socks kept my legs and feet warm. And I thought it was such a good idea to wear wellies to keep my feet dry. A pair of gloves protected my fingers from the cold and off I went in search of something to draw.

I thought I would share the route I walk each week, the photographs show the view off the bridge as I enter the shore, then to the left in the direction of the open sea where I go first.
At this point after the barrier of limestone boulders I reached the sand and land out to the open sea. I found the two bones here, the only remains of an animal, probably a sheep. It is here that I often find other objects trapped between the rocks and in the sand. So I picked my way up the beach only to get a nasty surprise as something sharp pieced through the rubber sole and my sock and into my foot. I thought it must be glass but I could only find sharp jagged rocks, the slate which is quarried in the village. I sat on a huge boulder and examined my bleeding wound and wrapped it up with a clean tissue. With my bag of bones I bravely carried on.....thinking at this point that I have probably lost the plot....try explaining this to the Doctor.
As I walk back towards the railway station the sky looks very dramatic, some shafts of light from the sunshine look amazing. The view is always changing, I think that is one of the reasons I always love this place.
After the high tides I see all the wavy tide lines lines with all the little pieces collected in the tangle of grasses. I collected a crabs claw, a sea sponge, feathers, two mermaids purses and a long thin piece of seaweed with little white barnacles attached. My page is sorted, I have plenty to choose from. It makes me smile seeing all the objects as I wander along my way, a lost shoe, a full family packet of crisps, a huge red buoy, a bright yellow fish crate, toy balls, a golf tee and so many other objects all landed here on our shores.
The sky is getting darker, a few little squally showers, more drifting our way and after two hours it is time for me to leave.
Here is my week 48 pages of my objects. First the piece of sea weed, painted with a fine Number 1 brush and green and sepia ink.
The two bones, a mermaids purse, and piece of sea sponge. The bones made an interesting subject. As I was drawing the page a friend dropped in and told me they are parts of a shoulder and a leg. He knows about bones as he is a radiographer, and he wasn't in the least bit surprised to find me sitting drawing bones on a Sunday afternoon! I used yellow ochre, sepia, white and grey inks to mix colours for this page. Hope you like it. I am so pleased, just 4 more weeks and I will have completed the year!
Thank you for the lovely comments, I love to read them and welcome to the new followers. Millyx