The sun is out and it is a beautiful day. I have been in the garden and the birds are singing so loud, they are enjoying the day too. I hope you all had a lovely Easter.
I had a little display on my kitchen table. A jug of primroses I picked from the garden and some daffodils and my favourite coloured hyacinths called Woodstock. I made a new bag , featuring my hare drawing and the blackberry coloured spots from the peony and sage fabric. I spent all day Saturday making it and it was finished with the perfect coloured button I bought once on holiday. I always find my way into haberdashery shops and I buy bits and pieces, then one day it is just what I need after storing it for several years.
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When I had finished it I was really happy, I brought it downstairs to show the 'interested' husband. He actually likes me sewing, I am quiet for hours and hiding away with my sewing machine. Easter was the perfect time to make a hare bag.
I have lots of flowers out in tubs and around the garden. The birthday present of 60 bulbs is looking and smelling wonderful. My sister planted them last November and on Sunday I picked her a bunch of the sweet smelling daffodils and told her how lovely they are. I have enjoyed watching them grow, the are just outside my kitchen window. Soon the pot of tulips will be out, another 60 bulbs all blooming, what a lovely present they have been. She also gave me the maroon hyacinths wrapped in brown paper.
Now for a tour of some of the flowers in my garden, all taken this afternoon.
Cowslips and the first camellia. Then a few snapshots of my snakehead fritillaries. They are growing at different stages, see the many colours, shades, Chequered patterns and some of them have appeared white ones.
I am going to try and capture some in my drawings as they are so beautiful.
A secret little glimpse of a little chequered pattern of my own. This is the little mouse quilt I made with the elderberry dyed fabrics.

Milly mouse under her elderberry quilt, homemade from elderberries picked along the hedgerows in our village, dyed fabric and hand stitched by me.
The sunshine at this very moment as I say good bye. It is just catching the garden, the midges are waking up and we have seen a butterfly and several big bees collecting pollen from the fritillary. It has been such a warm day for getting out into the garden. Thank you for your comments, for the people who tell me I inspire them to draw and others who tell me it is a nice calm place to visit. A little taste of spring for all of you still waiting
See you soon......Millyx