A treasured possession is an old rusty key that I found many years ago. This similar one was found in a second hand shop. I am definitely one of life's collectors, and keys are one of my favourite things.
Then the dresser in my kitchen is covered in old china, items collected over thirty years, second hand pieces chosen for their pattern or shape. I don't mind if they are chipped or cracked. I fill an old chipped jug with flowers and to me it looks beautiful. I love old china, so finding old pieces of sea washed, river washed or buried broken pottery gives me a thrill. Just last week I found lots of pieces in the garden at an old derelict house in the village.
This little blue and white piece painted on the tag was one of them, a great find, as it has a pattern on both sides.
They are little fragments of a time gone by, each one unique. I like to include them as part of a painting with natural objects. You will find examples in the side bar.
I painted on the tag and the larger key is on dark brown card.
Would you like the tag.....I am going to give it away.
Tell me what is your idea of "a treasure".
Leave a comment and I will give the tag to the winner.
I will pick the winner next Sunday 21st March 2010.
The WINNER is Pomona. She will receive the painted tag.
Thank you for your lovely comments, I enjoyed reading them all.
I will have another give away soon.
What a beautiful post ~ I think your treasures are truly lovely ones! My idea of a treasure is finding a certain something (small rusty things, rocks, wings, leaves ... ) that both spark my eye and give me that fluttery feeling inside of "oh wow" as I bend to pick it up ~!~
I do think that finding a key is an ultimate treasure!
My treasures are finding old photographs of a forgotten memory that triggers the event as though it were just yesterday & old art work that I had tucked away in a book created by my now 30 year old son, Joe.
Wonderful post, thank you Raining Acorns, for sending the link.
Hi Millie,
I didn't find an answer right away. After thinking a bit I realized that my treasures are the things that I do with my hands, like my drawings and a family diary that I keep (I write down things that I feel will be memory jewels for future years both for me and for my husband, when our kids will hopefuly be all grown up, like when they say silly or clever things :). I think that sounds a little narcissist, but no way, that's me...
Lots of hugs,
Well Milly, once again you have expressed yourself beautifully, and given your readers a bit to think about.
I believe that every time we do find a "treasure" be it a leaf, a seed pod, a stick, a bit of pottery, it represents our admission that we do want to connect with history. That we realize that we might live in a current time zone, but that we are also inheriting lots that came before us.
I still wish that I could go on one of these treasure hunting walks with you. To see what your marvelous eye does see.
Beautiful post. Beautiful treasures, and beautiful art. xo
I have been following your blog for quite a while and thought I'd leave a comment now. I love your drawings! My treasures are feathers -especially ones with a bit of colour (which are quite ususal here in Brisbane, Australia). I have an impressive collection after living here for 3 years!
As I already have among my treasures some beautiful tags and cards from you, I don't wish to be greedy and try for more. I will only say that I treasure being able to see the beautiful art you and Megan (kookaburra) produce, even though we are separated by many miles--and, in your case, by an ocean!
I love things with a bit of a past to them, and like you I don't mind if they are not perfect. The children always used to bring in bits of old china and glass bottles they had dug up in the garden of our cottage - it was definitely buried treasure to them. My special treasure is my grandmother's cotton reel holder - not valuable but one of the last things she gave me before she died, so very precious to me.
Pomona x
My treasures are the little things my son made as a child and his wonderful art work that he's given me over the years. I also treasure some hand-carved items made by my Opa's best friend.
Treasures can be so many different things. But, since I share your sensibility in terms of finding bits on walks, I will talk about that. I love how they are often broken, overlooked objects that are worth no money, yet arouse in us a thrill, for they are precisely what we are seeking. And how a bit of china with a pattern is prized, & one with designs on both sides even more so. I always imagine the families who lived over a century ago sitting at table and using the cups & plates from which our treasures come, & hope we honor them in some small way through our art.
I am new to your blog, and delighted to have found it! Your art is beautiful!
One of my favorite treasures are the old letters and post cards that my Grandmother saved, going back to the 1930's... as well as her scrapbook, filled with little snippets of things she found worthy of keeping. It's a peek back into the past, and the world as she knew it, that I'd not otherwise get to see. I cherish the little collection in all it's yellowing, crackling splendor!
Happy treasure hunting to you! :)
I just love your treasures! I too find a lot of my favorite treasures outside. In fact my favorites are made by mother nature herself. However, if I find man made ones (like that key) I will add to my pockets too.
the key is superb milly ...i love the dark bg and like the blues found in both the keys and ceramics.
treasures mark a moment in time , a place , a special memory ...be it objects of sentimental value or found objects natural or manmade .
My treasures are Nature's Debris.
I would like to write you a poem about my treasures:-
I love bleached Bones:-
Bleached Bones.
Modest and humble delight
wells up within me,
when I see the bare bones
of a barren winter garden.
White bones,
cloud bones
church bones,
Dream bones,
The poetry of air
Bird bones,
Reflecting the intimate marriage of birds and trees.
In form and function,
Stars and pillar bones.
Song bones,
Which rise up
and sing to me.
I guess that a treasure to me is finding someone elses inscription on a photo or in a book, or a diary insert. I have found a few of these when i buy second hand books. I find it fascinating to see someone elses opinion on something, and most usually its something which someone didnt anticipate anyone else ever reading. Of course there are many more treasures which i appreciate, but this is the first that came to mind.
I love your artwork, its very beautiful and inspiring. Thankyou for the oppertunity of entering your give away!
Aqeela xx
Thank you so much, Milly - have emailed you this evening!
Pomona x
The tag will be on its way to Pomona tomorrow.
Thank you to everyone. I enjoyed reading all your comments.
Owen, thank you for the poem.
What a beautiful drawings. You are very talented ... incredible
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