Sunday 16 October 2011

Week 41

Week 41 and the most beautiful day on Saturday morning.  I could not believe it,  after last week, as I stepped onto the shore to enjoy the sunshine and the views.  At first it seemed I had the place to myself as I headed towards the water to walk along the edge of the tidal river.  It was so good to see the colour blue and feel the sun as I walked in this vast open space.  Not a breath of wind and everything seemed so quiet and still. Then I started to see some shapes, people bending and moving by the waters edge, my thoughts were of others collecting objects.  As I approached I realised there was a boat on the grass, with my eyesight it was hard to see.  It turned out to be three members of the same family,  three generations each with their own boat, different sized canoes.  The youngest was already in the water and shortly afterwards Dad and Grandfather followed suit.  I captured their adventure with my camera as they paddled along the river out to sea, and then waited to catch the tide coming in so they could  return in the tidal water as it  swelled the river and flowed into the estuary.
A train thundered past, one of the old diesel trains with tourists riding along this west coast and it seemed to be full of people. They chose a good day to take the journey.  It was a lovely day to just sit a while and  watch as the tide came in,  slowly creeping over the sand and covered it with water. I watched the three orange boats glide on the surface of the tide and back into the river.  It is quite rare to see any boats using this river so I watched with interest. 
I found my first find in the sand.  I knew the leaf would be lovely to draw, after photographing it I peeled it from the muddy sand.   I had a long slow wander, taking in the views and looking at the objects in the tideline.  There was plenty to choose from with seaweeds and feathers, leaves and seeds, crabs and shells and lots of red berries.  I always collect too much so I tried to just gather a few things that would make an interesting page.  The two crab apples went straight into my bag and so did the red berries.  I felt reluctant to leave as it was so lovely, so warm I had taken my fleece off and wrapped it around my waist.  I watched a man and his dog cross the bridge to the larger shore and wander into the distance.  I found I was not alone,  I had my shadow to keep me company.  Just as I was leaving I heard the jingle of the icecream man, with no money on me I had to pass him by.
I am so glad to have enjoyed the day, looking out now at the big black clouds. See for yourself .

Hope you like my week 41 page, painted with my acrylic inks, the mixing shown on my messy plate.
Thank you for the lovely comments.  Millyx    

Winner of Giveaway 
all 16 names went into a bag, my husband picked out the winner, so Aqeela if you could send me your address at my contact above.


Pondside said...

What a lovely collection!
So interesting to see the boat - not like our Canadian canoe at all. The ride on the tide sounds like it would be a lot of fun!

Tammie Lee said...

this drawing is wonderful, it seems like things are hanging magically on the page.

yea to the lucky winner!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. I love seeing the changing colours and the different items you find on your walks as the seasons change.

Frances said...

What fun it is to take these walks with you, Milly! Your words always give me the sense of a certain pace that allows observation and contemplation, no matter what the weather.

It seems as if the weather gods were particularly kind this time around, to you, the folks with the canoes, perhaps even the ice cream man.

It treasures that you discovered have made very good drawing subjects. Each one is interesting on its own, but enhances the rest of the composition.

Thanks also for giving us the treat of seeing that mixing plate, just the sort of view that I like to see!

(I did manage a little watercolor myself yesterday, that featured some leaves and a tea cup. It was done as a birthday card for a dear friend and is in the mail to her now.)

Best wishes.

suz said...

What a pretty grouping. I love the crabapples.

Mary said...

Beautiful findings on a perfect day!
Love this grouping.

I love kayaking, on calm water of course - that must have been fun for three generations to ride the tide together.

Congrats. to Aqeela - lucky gal!

Hugs - Mary

Susan Scheid said...

Gosh, Milly--even the plate that held your paints is beautiful.

Melody said...

I enjoyed the walk on the beach... blue windless skies seem more special this time of year; as we creep thru a change in seasons.
I like your little crab apple, perfect for this time of year. Your art is always a joy to behold! :))))

Diana said...

so very delicate and lovely, Milly, beautiful, love,Diana

wandering said...

How lovely, three generations in a boat..
I love your page - I'm seeing crab apples everywhere at the moment!

Windsongs and Wordhoards said...

I love the spotty apple, especially along with the berries - really evocative of Autumn dew turing to early frosts... and a lovely arrangement on the page too...
Carrie... :)